DUSK TO DAWN FEATURE: Built-in sensors that turn on the dusk to dawn light bulb automatically at dusk and turn it off when it's dawn. This eliminates the need to physically turn the bulb off and on
ENERGY SAVING: Vgogfly dusk to dawn Light bulb uses less power compared to traditional bulbs and, therefore, cuts your electricity costs
WIDE-RANGING USE: Used in countless home appliances, Vgogfly dusk to dawn light bulb works well in any standard E26 medium base light socket or fixture: hallway, stairs, basement, garage etc.
IMPROVED SECURITY: Vgogfly outdoor sensing light bulb will light up your home even when you are not around as long as it is dark
Enhanced Durability: The Vgogfly outdoor smart light bulb uses a plastic casing designed to meet the cooling needs of the LED chip, guaranteeing a prolonged lifespan.